Tote / IBC tank cleaning solution
Tote / IBC tank cleaning equipment
It only takes 2~7 minutes to clean the inner wall of any Tote/IBC tank, including the top and corners.
Improper and inefficient cleaning of the Tote/IBC tank, which is the most widely used container for storing and transporting materials, can have a direct impact on the overall productivity of a business. By providing faster, more efficient and effective cleaning, you will see significant improvements in cost and productivity. Our decades of experience in cleaning these Totes/IBC tanks, as well as our extensive knowledge of application, have led us to develop efficient and effective Tote/IBC tank cleaning systems.
You no longer have to waste time and money sendingTotes and IBC tanks out for cleaning, you can clean directly indoors effectively and efficiently. With 3D tank washing technology, 100% reliable cleaning technology ensures that the entire inside of the Tote/IBC tank is thoroughly cleaned in the most efficient way, using very few resources including: time, energy, chemical solvents and water.
We offer the VTC-75 ton drum washing station, which is equipped with the complete equipment of the ton drum/IBC tank washing station. Simplified design and cost, combined with the most durable and efficient technology, make it the ideal Tote/IBC tank cleaning system for any industrial or hygienic application.

Address: Floor 4, Unit 3, Building 2, Yard 18, Jingxing St., Changping, Beijing, China

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